Does your child need extra support at school? Then the school, where your child was first registered (in writing), has duty of care (zorgplicht). This means that the school must assess whether it can offer your child suitable education. In doing so, the school will request information from you. The duty of care is obligatory for both regular schools as schools within the field of special education or special primary education.
The school has six weeks for this assessment. This period may be extended once by four weeks. During this examination period, the school is not yet required to admit your child. That is good to know.
The school's assessment can have three outcomes:
- The school where your child is registered can offer your child suitable education with extra support.
- The school cannot offer your child a suitable place, but another regular primary school can. Together with the school, you will look for another regular school for your child.
- The school will consider another type of education for your child, such as special education (so) or special primary education (sbo). This requires a declaration of admissibility (toelaatbaarheidsverklaring, TLV). The school will request this from our samenwerkingsverband.
In the "Handreiking Zorgplicht" you cab read all about it.