At the end of the process, the experts formulate an advice; is your child eligible for special (primary) education? What is the most appropriate type of education?

This advice and the final decision of the director-governor are included in the expert advice (deskundigenadvies). A declaration of admissibility (toelaatbaarheidsverklaring, TLV) will or will not be issued. Parents and schools may object to the issuance of the declaration of admissibility.

Dit wil ik graag weten

You must redeem the declaration of admissibility (toelaatbaarheidsverklaring, TLV) within one year of its issue. Your child must then be enrolled at a special (primary) school where the declaration of admissibility has been issued. If this does not happen, it will no longer be valid.

It is important that you read carefully as to how we concluded  to issue the declaration of admissibility (toelaatbaarheidsverklaring, TLV). If you do not agree with the declaration of admissibility, you can object to us issuing it. You do this by drawing up a notice of objection and sending it to us within six weeks. This may be done by post (Bijlmerdreef 1289-II, 1103 TV Amsterdam) or by e-mail (

These are the steps:

  • We draw up a defence (a document in which we respond to your objections).
  • We will send your notice of objection, our defence and important documents to the National Objection Advisory Committee on Admissibility (Bezwaaradviescommissie Toelaatbaarheidsverklaring, LBT) within 14 days. We are registered with this committee.
  • You (and we) will receive a summons from them for a hearing at the Disputes Committee (geschillencommissie).
  • During this session, you, the school and we will be asked to explain matters to the committee.
  • The committee's advice will follow within four weeks.
  • Our director-governor, together with the experts involved, will have to reconsider our advice on the declaration of admissibility on the basis of the committee's advice. Our director-governor may alter the declaration of admissibility, but that is not compulsory - after all, it is an opinion.
  • Do you disagree with what the director-governor decides? Then you can lodge an appeal with the court (sector bestuursrecht).

Sometimes it is possible for you to talk to the school about staying in school after all. If your child is allowed to continue attending his current school, the declaration of admissibility does not have to be redeemed.

It is possible that you do not want to register your child at the new school that matches the declaration of admissibility (toelaatbaarheidsverklaring, TLV). If you have not found another regular school willing to enrol your child (you will always be given time to approach other schools) and the school really cannot continue with your child, the school may remove your child. The compulsory education office (leerplicht) can then more or less require you to register your child at the school that matches the declaration of admissibility (redeeming) in order to prevent your child from not attending school.

It does not happen very often, but you can be forced to redeem your child's declaration of admissibility (toelaatbaarheidsverklaring, TLV). This is if all three of these points apply:

  1. A declaration of admissibility for special (primary) education has been issued for your child.
  2. There is room at a school that matches the declaration of admissibility, i.e. a suitable school.
  3. Your child can no longer be maintained at his current school.

You must redeem the declaration of admissibility within one year of its issue. Your child must then be enrolled at the school for special (primary) education to which the declaration of admissibility has been issued. If this does not happen, it will no longer be valid.

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